Saturday 25 April 2009

"The Night Before...."

Good Evening All from the UK- and it's a lovely evening too; a bit chilly but blue skies and sunny, with more of the same forecast for tomorrow (why do Brits always talk about the weather?) However, sunny as it is, I am mightily hacked off. Why? Because I cannot begin to describe the amount of crap that I have managed to consume in the last 24 hours. It's "that time" of the month, I am bored, miserable and anxious- I was very recently made redundant from a well paid job with nothing on the horizon to make me feel better, and today I received my P45 (that's the form you get when you leave work). It all seemed soooo final (because I guess it is!) So, of course, I decided to dust myself down, think positive and get cracking looking for a new great (better) job. Did I heck. I hoovered up the carbohydrate content of the entire house. So now I feel crap (no job) and crap (fat) and crap (weak willed) etc, etc.... Trouble is, this keeps happening. I am not particularly overweight in that my BMI is the higher end of normal- but I exercise a lot- just as well or my BMI would be way, way higher!! But my life is focused on food; eat/ don't eat. Good/ bad food. Good day/ bad day. Three meals and snacks- because that is healthy, right? No? No carbs then. Carbs are BAD. Trouble is, no carbs means I can't run after about a week. I'm just too tired out. So carbs are GOOD then. Must eat more...Weightwatchers. Slim Fast. Atkins. Slimming World. Rosemary Conley. For PETE'S SAKE!!!
I consider myself to be a reasonably intelligent person. So why can't I just sort myself out where food is concerned?
It so happened that on Thursday night I was stuck on a train home from London and googling the next big diet on my BlackBerry (I know, how sad is that? Why not see what is on at the cinema instead or something? ) and I came across "No S". Now, I haven't even got the book in my hands yet but I read enough that something just triggered off in my sad ol'brain and I thought I need to give this a go. A real go. So I thought I would share it all with whomever wanted to read it.
I've never blogged before and my skills are a bit lacking so this blog will probably look a bit sad for a while until I learn about how to manage it but hey, that's another thing I will have learned!
Tomorrow is Day One. Looking forward to sharing it all with you. No holds barred, promise!

1 comment:

  1. We are a lot alike, Susie! I'm a runner too (ran my first and only marathon about a year ago). I love to run outside in nature, and you won't believe THIS, but there is actually a llama farm on one of my routes (ok, it's my cycling route but close enough). Even though I enjoy exercising a lot, my weight has always been a struggle. I'm also on the upper side of normal BMI (now) after being slightly into the overweight zone. I started No S in mid January. So far I've lost 4 lbs. That doesn't sound like much, but I have to say it was the most painless 4 lbs I've ever lost. I LOVE No S. I've had no problem sticking with it for 4 months, which is some kind of a record for me. And I feel great on it! In fact, oddly, the weekends are my least favorite part of the plan. . .
